Doctor Shambala Presents....
Secret Message (Nemo)
Orson Welles: A Man's Name Doesn't Matter
Jorge Luis Borges grave
Bela has No Home
I'm Mad As Hell !
Numbers Station
Tolkien Sings... (The Secret Song)
The Wonderful Tiny Bard Woman: Gaelynn Lea
C. S. Lewis : Beyond Narnia
C. S. Lewis : Against "Scientism"
The Fabulous World of Jules Verne
The Magic World of Karel Zeman
Rare Philip K. Dick Speech: The Matrix is Real
Jacques Vallee - Thinking Allowed - UFO Phenomena
The Wonderful Ray Bradbury
On Raglan Road (the song of secrets) by the legendary Irish Bard Luke Kelly of the Dubliners
God's Gonna Cut You Down (Johnny Cash)
SpellBound: The Dream (by Salvador Dali)
A Message: "The Laughing Heart" (Tom Waits reads Charles Bukowski)
The Third Place (David Lynch)
Nurse With Wound - Jiri Barta
Jerry Lee Lewis - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Lon Chaney : The Man With a Thousand Faces
Robert Anton Wilson : Don't Believe the Bullshit...
Terence McKenna: on UFOs and Science
Who is Salvador Dali?
Do you love H. P. Lovecraft?
Hotpant Tesla (ZeBB Academy, live at CarbonBar)
The Roses of Success
Alan Moore on Magick
David Lynch: Darkness and Light
David Lynch Sings "Imaginary Girl"
Aldous Huxley Interview
Music with his Brain Waves ("Music for Solo Performer", Alvin Lucier)
The Voice of Ezra Pound!
The Hacker (Clock DVA)
Ivan T Sanderson (rare 1953 interview) - The Flatwoods Monster
Slavoj Zizek!
Buckminster Fuller: World Game Synergy
Joscelyn Godwin on Rejected Knowledge
Aleister Crowley - "The Other Loch Ness Monster" (at Boleskine House)
Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World!!
Life is Life
The Rebel
The Speech of Freedom by the Irish Rebel Poet Patrick Pearse in the Dublin Uprising of 1916, a few days before he was arrested and executed by the British army. He died for the Cause of Freedom. (recited by Ronnie Drew)
Carl Jung Speaks About Death
The Soul of Man Never Dies
On Mars: The Sea of Perdition (by Richard Stanley)
I Drove All Night...
Carlos Castaneda: Enigma of a Sorcerer
Carlos Castaneda - 1969 Radio Interview (authentic)
Don Juan Matus -- The 4 enemies of a Man of Knowledge
Radio Kaliningrad (My Home on the Other Side)
Ray Palmer talks about the Shaver Mystery
Dino Kraspedon!
Kontacte (Karlheinz Stockhausen)
Cymatics - Dr. Hans Jenny (rare documentary)
Iluminati Occultistas - Go West!
A Message from Arthur C. Clarke
The Raven (Edgar Allan Poe) (by Vincent Price)
The Impossible Dream (Don Quixote: Man of La Mancha) (by Peter O'Toole)
Remember Herman Hesse
All I ever had: The Songs of Freedom (Remember Joe Strummer)
The Theremin Swan: Clara Rockmore
Anton La Vey and his calliope
The Power of Words (by Mecano - poem suicide note of V. Mayakovsky)
The Prisoner ("I'm not a number, I'm a free man!")
The Sky Was Pink (Nathan Fake)
George Adamski UFO footage analysis..
...And We'll All Go Together
<< Ο φίλος μου Ιρλανδός Βάρδος Sean Tyrrell από το County Clare
(...abair ag na aingeals, brathair, cluin mo ceiliur...)
Radio Nowhere
Always Listen to Jiminy Cricket...